Friday, April 9, 2010


Two blogs in one week, what is going on here... haha. Well, this week has been overwhelming for so many reasons that I really don't want to go into but updating and listening to "lose yourself" is my substitute for going outside and running as fast and hard and long as I can... cause I'm afraid I'll start crying if I do that... but I really need some adrenaline run off. If any guys are reading this... be thankful you DON'T have a constant rollercoaster called hormones cause they can literally drive you crazy.

Really, this has been a pretty good week, I mean its amazing outside. School hasn't been crazy busy. And Initiation is this weekend (a secret festival of funness) But I have just felt like bawling all day... I actually almost did while venting to my Momma (my Mom is the greatest!) Don't freak out on me, I'm fine really I am... just needed to vent so thanks for reading :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wakeful Wildcat

Gotta love not being able to sleep, I have read for about two hours now and still wide awake! I listened to my voicemail, skipping them all just to listen to the last one multiple times... I don't think you could even IMAGINE how that message makes me smile.

Anyways, I don't really have anything on my mind except I really want to sleep and can't, please forgive the rambleness that this post will be but Hannah has asked I update and I don't really have anything better to do at the moment so here ya go :) So whats been going on lately? School... Spring Break... Easter... Homework... Sweet Sixteen... (watching KU lose early)... Cam's Birthday... Permission...

School: SUCKS THE LIFE OUT OF YOU, and I kinda like it. Its a strange twist of fate, maybe its like tattoos? They hurt but the pain is addicting haha.

Spring Break: Was a wonderful time of hanging out with my family and Cameron. It just wasn't long enough.

Easter: I spent this with Cameron's family in Ballardish, for those who have been there you understand... its not really in Ballard because the town is too small for anyone to really live in but anyways I digress. Easter was a good day to celebrate the miracle of our loving Lord. Oh how deep the Fathers love for us!

Homework: Is a constant part of my life, but I ALMOST enjoy it. It is my purpose for the day, if it wasn't for that consistency I would waste so much time... I already do waste a lot of time, I can't imagine what I would do with my time without school.

Sweet Sixteen: WAS AMAZING!!!!!! The pride of FINALLY demanding the respect of the midwest was really nice... being the little kid that gets picked on gets really old... which goes into my next point.

Watching KU lose early: was a bittersweet feeling, Cam was devastated which broke my heart. But for all the OTHER KU fans it certainly made how far K-State got THAT MUCH BETTER. As far as Cam is concerned though I am a KU fan whenever K-State is not in the mix... but don't quote me on that, I'll deny it.... PERSISTENTLY!

Cam's Birthday: Started off rough since his team lost :/ but he was able to deal with that quickly and we had a good time celebrating with his extended family. I really wish my family lived as close as his does. I could count on 1 hand how many cousin birthday parties I've had. Best part, we're legal now haha. Happy Birthday again Babe!

Permission: is a GRAND thing :)

Well.... that was fun but I'm still tired and still wide awake at the same time... good thing I don't have class until 11:30 I guess.

1) Usher is the bomb... he is possibly my favourite hip-hop artist right now... why? cause he has variety in his music, and he CAN dance... like nobody's buisness.

2) Facebook is a stupid waste of time... that I love cause it makes keeping in touch with people easy!

3) College sports are the best thing EVER! I would rather watch college anything over pro... why? cause they guys are working hard to get where they are at, they aren't making millions to play a game and entertain me, they are my age living a life pretty similar to mine... or at least living in the same town haha. Pro-ball is cool... but lame. NCAA is where its at!

4) Wanna hear a secret? Guy will react a lot more strongly (haha horrible grammar) to a car like a Lamborghini or Camaro or any other hot sports car you can think of... than a girl. Maybe this is just they self-control but I have watched boys completely melt, sigh, jaw drop, suck all the air out of the room, and giggle like a school girl at the sight of a Lamborghini Gallardo... boys and their toys huh?

Well I am gonna end this and maybe try to sleep soon... I hope this was entertaining :)