Friday, April 9, 2010


Two blogs in one week, what is going on here... haha. Well, this week has been overwhelming for so many reasons that I really don't want to go into but updating and listening to "lose yourself" is my substitute for going outside and running as fast and hard and long as I can... cause I'm afraid I'll start crying if I do that... but I really need some adrenaline run off. If any guys are reading this... be thankful you DON'T have a constant rollercoaster called hormones cause they can literally drive you crazy.

Really, this has been a pretty good week, I mean its amazing outside. School hasn't been crazy busy. And Initiation is this weekend (a secret festival of funness) But I have just felt like bawling all day... I actually almost did while venting to my Momma (my Mom is the greatest!) Don't freak out on me, I'm fine really I am... just needed to vent so thanks for reading :)