Today has felt like a dream. I didn't sleep well at all, I actually woke up an hour before my alarm crying from stress of all I have to do this week. So I got up and just got ready for the day, headed to class, hardly able to breathe cause crying while walking to class is dumb. Made it through class, grabbed dashers on the way home did some work, then went back to bed. I slept for an hour and it felt AMAZING!! I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the week. Earlier this morning I read in James and the verse that says "All who are suffereing. Pray!" jumped out at me. So I thought well I'm not really SUFFERING in the sense that this book is talking about but I'm suffering in my own little world haha. So I prayed and it really helped, I felt a peace that I haven't felt in awhile. That even though I have a lot to do, and I feel like its over my head that I will sit down and plow through it and while difficult I will survive.
To make my life even more fantastic it is 70 degrees and sunny outside!!! :) Oh I love fall, I never really came to this conclusion until this year, because really I hate fall. haha. It is the beginning of school, its hard to get out of the summer routine, and all you have to look forward to is winter (UGH). But fall is just beautiful, even though it only lasts two weeks anymore. And I love Thanksgiving and Christmas, so Fall is now one of my favourite seasons.
Good thing its beautiful out cause I left my coat in KC. God does answer prayer :) even the small ones!
Aw I'm so glad you're feeling better :]