Monday, February 14, 2011

L is for the way you Look at me

Babe, you are...

ourteous to all
A dmirable in your character
M anly :)
E ncouraging to me
R are in your personality, style, and gentleness
O bservant of others feelings
N atural in sports

I love you more every day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Did you know?

"A woman in China partially lost her hearing after her boyfriend reportedly ruptured her eardrum with a passionate kiss. Apparently, the kiss reduced the pressure in the mouth, pulled the eardrum out, and caused the breakdown of the ear."

That is QUITE a kiss haha. :)

Its Friday! I have a busy weekend with homework and stuff but its do-able and I like school so its okay. I just wish Cam could come see me...

Be bold. Smile. Hug at least one person today!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jesus Loves You!

I. Am. Happy. Today.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How to be a college student

Have your backpack with you at all times while on campus!!

Do not sleep at night... sleep during the day... in the library.

Drink lots of caffeine.

Eat cheap. Shop only at wal-mart. Unless you can splurge, then go to Target.

Gain weight.... even though you walk everywhere and can't afford to eat 50% the time.

To be continued... cause I'm a college student :)


Study your behind off! GPA matters.

Keep it in context. You might not like a class but if you love what you do big picture wise it will all be worth it!

Always stay professional... that doesn't mean you can't wear sweats... wear sweats as often as you can! After all once you graduate you lose that freedom! :)

Call home a least 3 times a month.

Work a little... its good for you. And your wallet!

Make friends!

Enjoy every day, its not the tests that you'll remember in 20 years :)

Dear Punxsutawney Phil,

Thanks for not seeing your shadow.


America's Favourite Delivery Guys

Hi guys...

I want a theme or idea. I don't like blogging just for the sake of blogging. So lets start with a delivery drivers' perspective on YOU!

  • Tip BIG... the bigger you tip the better person you are. Hands Down. A big tip = $5
  • Don't live in a creepy house, keep your light on, WEAR PANTS!! and smile.
  • Speak clearly when giving your address, phone number, etc.
  • Answer your phone, if I can't find you and can't get a hold of you... you don't get your food.
  • Make me happy... after all I do get around 10 minutes alone with your food right before you get it.
  • Have a house number that is easy to see from the street

There you go... now go order some food to be delivered and be a pro! :)